Friday 21 February 2020

David Goes to School

Mrs Dijkstra read us a story about David - a boy who doesn't make good choices at school. We discussed making good choices so that Room 24 would be a happy and safe place to learn. We made posters with messages like -"Take turns"

Frozen Key

Today was our first Friday Challenge. We were given a cup of frozen water with a key in the middle. The  challenge was to bring the key to Mrs Dijkstra and complete the sentence " This is the key to......" 
We had a smashing time!

Friday 14 February 2020

Family Shields

This week we completed our Family Shields. This Art work tells about ourselves and our family. Our drawings illustrate our favorite foods, things we like to do and things our family likes to do.
Soon they will be mounted and displayed in our room. They look colourful  and interesting!!

Sunday 9 February 2020

Beginning 2020

Here we are playing a Math's Card game with a buddy. The person who makes the biggest number is the winner.  
ps:  more posts to follow - so that every one gets posted