Thursday, 16 April 2020

Day 2 April 16 Sharing the Learning


  1. What amazing work Harry, Elizabeth, Annabelle, Cameron and Tai. Like Cameron, Caleb in R9a built a treehouse in his garden over the holidays too. They have been having picnics in their treehouse. What have you been doing in your Cameron?
    From Mrs Burge

  2. What amazing work. Harry a very cool science experiment, Elizabeth so creative with you garage, lego construction and teardrop, Annabelle what a beautiful art gallery, Cameron I would love to try out your Fireman's pole and Tai lucky you toasting marshmallows. I bet they were yummy.

  3. Elizabeth, Emmerson loves your lego creation! Harry, I love the way you and mum are doing all those fun experiments...they look so cool! From Miss White

  4. I love looking at all of these wonderful creations. My boys have loved making forts at home and being creative too.

  5. Room 24 have done such a lot of amazing work during their first week of distance learning. I love how Annabelle has displayed her work like an art gallery. It's a really good idea to keep your work together so that you can see how many different activities you have completed. Keep shining.
