Thursday, 16 April 2020

Day 2

Hi folks, for those of you that I spoke with yesterday, thank you for assisting with the survey. Just a reminder that you are welcome to send me photos, written messages and short videos when and as you are able. These will be uploaded to the class blog as a way of sharing and celebrating your child's learning. The aim is one post per child per week. Have a wonderful second day of Term 2.
See you tomorrow.


  1. What a great way to engage your students Mrs Dijkstra! I am excited to see what changes you make to your bookcase every day. It will be like solving a puzzle each say! I can't wait for tomorrow!
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Rocking the hat Mrs Dijkstra. You'll be a techno wiz by the end of lockdown! How cool putting something different on your bookshelf every day. It will keep our GEMs on their toes!

  3. Elizabeth Tucker16 April 2020 at 13:46

    Thank-you Mrs Dykstra for all the wonderful activities :-) Elizabeth

  4. What an awesome idea Mrs Dijkstra, and I do love the hat also! I wonder what will be on the bookshelf tomorrow?
