Friday, 17 April 2020

Day 3 April 17

Here is a slide show with some of the amazing learning that you have been doing.
I will be adding to it as I receive new emails.
There is some wonderful and exciting learning taking place in your homes.
I am proud of you all!
Remember that you and your parents are welcome to add a comment
about the blog posts if you wish.
See you tomorrow.


  1. Your hat is awesome Mrs Dijkstra, you must have lots of fun playing that game with your whanau! I will check out the learning from your students now. I can't wait to see what they have been doing.
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Love your Hat Mrs Dijkstra.

  3. Wow! Everyone has been busy. Lots of creativity going on. We teachers love looking at the learning that you have been doing. Writing stories, drawing and other creative projects, engineering masterpieces, research, building, working on your fitness, looking after your well being with mindfulness activities, lots of cooking and baking...the list goes on and on. Keep up the wonderful work and keep shining. xxx

  4. I think your had is so cool Mrs Dijkstra! I did notice that the books and teddy have moved today :)
