Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Day 19 Distance Learning May 13


  1. Morena Mrs Dijkstra! Your What Am I? was lots of fun! I thought it was a caterpillar after the first two clues but then changed my mind after hearing all of your clues and thought it was your elf. Have a great day! From Miss Stuhlmann

  2. Good afternoon Mrs Dijkstra and Room 24. Your 'who and I?' writing sounds very fun. I look forward to reading some of these and being a detective to try and solve them. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

  3. Hi Mrs Dijkstra! Great idea playing "Who am I?". Maybe we will play this on our Google Meet for Room 9 and 9a. Have a great day!
    Miss Robertson

  4. I love writing clues for Who am I or what am I? It is so exciting trying to figure out who or what you are describing.
    From Mrs Burge
