Friday, 8 May 2020

Friday 8th May


  1. Wow! I think you need to go the hairdressers Mrs Smith! Tee hee hee!
    I haven't been outside much since we started Google Meets.
    Those leaves are beautiful colours.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    From Mrs Burge

  2. I like your funny Friday wig Mrs Smith! Maybe it keeps your head warm when going outside at the moment, although be careful it might blow away in the wind. Have a great Friday!

  3. Mōrena Mrs Smith, I love your funky funny Friday wig! It made me laugh :D I was thinking of some some describing words for your beautiful leaves... how about crinkly or crunchy when you walk on them. I wonder what other words Room 24 come up with. Happy Mother's Day for Sunday Mrs Smith.
    Miss Robertson

  4. Hi Mrs Smith
    Yes, you do look funky in your wig.
    I love all the autumn coloured leaves that you have collected. It definately feels like autumn weather now. I have mostly tropical palms and plants so there isn't many autumn coloured leaves at my house but I do enjoy seeing the Autumn tones elsewhere.
    From Mrs Smaill
